Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Secret Colony of Cybernetic Cats Discovered! by CM

A family of campers hiking in the Montana wilderness, 2020, stumbled across a secret government project: cybernetic cats; government officials let out stunning secrets as the public presses in on so called “Area 52”.

H.M, an official that was working on this top-secret project says: “After World War II, we didn’t want another horrific war tearing apart our world. We wanted better soldiers, cybernetic ones, after learning about the safety risks we decided to start with cats.”
These so called cyber-kitties can run at seventy miles per hour, shoot machine guns, an sprint on their hind legs.

“We didn’t expect the kitties to be so strong, but they work out great.” says H.M., admitting that the team never thought the cats would work out.

Even though most are excited with these cyborgs, some have complaints: “How can we trust our government to not hurt these cats?” asks Pernelle McDuff, a breeder in Persians.

Many agree with Ms. McDuff, 42, about these experiments.
“How many cats have died in Area 52?” asks a conservationist,
“And how long before they experiment on other creatures, even humans.”

All over the world, citizens of many countries are wondering the same thing: what else is being hidden from us?

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