Monday, July 27, 2020

A Metaphor Poem and Police File Case On Cat For Eating His Own Donut!!!! by SP

A Metaphor Poem

Mountain Of Milk. You are soft but not hard. Why? We climb up to you and you feel hard. Solid
to a liquid and back and forth it goes

Where would a mountain of milk go. As you are so hard. The outside is hard the inside is soft
you know what I mean Mount Christoff? You have the best sights, people make art of you.
You are acknowledged but not enough. Why o mountain do we think you are so rough.Are
blizzards and heat waves not enough? Mountain of milk you are truly soft. Not on the outside
but on the inside. You let Gutzon Borglum carve men into you. Did they ever say thank you?
You are kind, o Mountain of Milk 

Police Files Case On Cat! For Eating His Own Donut!

Today on Rockford Ln Hennepin County police officer John Stevensburg filed a case on a stray
cat for eating his own donut after he set it down to talk to some people, the cat leapt of of
a tree and supposedly broke the law by eating the donut and trying to run away before
police officer Stevensburg caught it and put handcuffs on the cats paws while the cat resisted
and tried to run away.

The cat has been put to trial but so far it is not cooperating with a series of meows and more
meows.This is a very big crime and offence to the police. The government has also put
a vote of whether or not the cat should be put to justice. The police are very angry at the cat
and they also think that this cat could be part of the Paw Paw gang.

They are tracing paw prints to see if there were other cats and if
this was a planned crime. So far until today the Paw Paw gang has never shown their whiskers.

But people have reported that they have seen cats that look cute but are evil.
They act like regular cats but behind our backs they steal our cookies. Why our cookies? 

The cats are there beware.

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